Friday, July 30, 2010

Fr. John Hardon, S.J. On Having A Good Conscience

To offer us some protein, Miss Best was kind enough to drive us every week to sit in on the theology classes she was taking with Rev. John Hardon, S.J., at St. John's University. While the man was brilliant, the classes were dull -- based as they were on impenetrable phenomenological addresses by Pope John Paul II. 
But I made the most of the question periods, probing that saintly priest with all the Faith-testing, Jesuitical questions that 16-year-old smart alecks are driven to ask. And Father Hardon parried them brilliantly, as Jesuits have done for centuries. He shot down in flames every doubt my personal Screwtape had whispered in my ear, and built up in my mind solid habits of faithful reasoning. I will be grateful to him in eternity, I hope. 
When my high school friend (not I) expressed an interest in the priesthood, Father Hardon offered advice: "I wish that I could recommend you apply to the Society of Jesus," he said in his careful way. "I love the order, and wish it could be saved. But I cannot in good conscience send any young man into its seminaries."
Link (here) to Badger Catholic


  1. The original story is John Zmirak's and can be found here.

  2. Fr Hardon was (and is) not alone among Jesuits in holding this view.

  3. Sounds like a man out of touch.

  4. A man out of touch with what,I might ask? I am convinced that Fr. Hardon will be made a Saint.

  5. Jean-Francois Thomas S.JJuly 31, 2010 at 1:18 AM

    Unfortunately, it is not the only case.Many Jesuits who love the Society of Jesus cannot in good conscience send young men to novitiates where their faith will be in danger. It is a crucifying choice to make. St Ignatius will find a way soon or later...

  6. If you want to be a Jesuit in the United States. The New Orleans Province is your best bet.

  7. I seldom post on here - and I suspect Joseph will delete this - but if I may be so bold, I would encourage you to check out my blog:

    Joseph, as is his wont, hasn't quite given you the whole story.

    You might also check out a little quip from Nadal:

  8. Ryan Duns is better than know it's true...


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