Monday, June 7, 2010

Play Jesuit Hangman


Newly ordained Jesuit priest of the New Orleans Province 
Fr. Anthony Barrow, S.J.  
has a personal website he a game on the site called "Jesuit Hangman".
You can play it (here).

1 comment:

  1. Ahem!

    The poetry that Andrew Borrow posts on his site does not give reassuring auguries of a priesthood exemplifying "spiritual paternity" as understood by the Church. You be the judge (

    O Wild State of Drunkeness
    Gaily rises the bottle
    with salt and lime
    itself emptied, me self empty
    Gaily rises me soul
    as me mind moves
    slowly asleep
    Gaily rises I
    me mind melted ice
    and imprisoned inners freed
    Gaily I rise
    moving magnificently,
    mourning as the dawn breaks
    Gaily rays of light crash
    on that which itself hid
    in the nocturnal nebulous
    Gaily rises me guilt
    as me mind awoke
    and passions receded
    Gaily I rose and
    Gaily I fell and
    Gaily rises the guilt
    now Gaily triumphant!
    -- Andrew Borrow, S.J.


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