When we speak of angels "to the good angels, that is personal beings who praise God, help people, serve them and are united God and the saints in the eternal happiness of heaven. The Devils, however, are personal beings, with the same natural perfections of the angels, however, rebelled against God, attempting to destroy and hinder his work and are condemned to eternal punishment." Regarding the origin of the division between angels and devils, it must be said that "the foundation of this division is a sin freely committed by demons."
The biblical texts of Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 12-15 and 28.12 for the Old Testament and Lk 10.18, Jn 12:31, Rev 12, 7-8, Jude 6 and 2 Pet 2.4 New Testament traditionally argued that the fall of angels in Christian preaching is not enough for the second Father Maurizio Flick, S.J. and Fr. Zoltan Alszeghy, S.J. theological affirmation that in them the sacred writers commit their authority to affirm the objective truth of that fact of the angelic fall. . As the doctrine of the Fathers, there is unanimity in the certainty that the sin of these angels turned into demons, and in turn the diversity in the description of angelic sin. In any case, the Fathers do not doubt in saying that when some angels sinned, as did the faith. The theological reason according to these two theologians, shows a special significance on this topic. . If you deny the sin in the angelic world, you get two heretical and absurd: the handle that allows the existence of one or more of the principles of evil and independent from God, or an admission that the good God has created beings who are bad by nature. How magisterial documents which have the sin of the devil as belonging to the faith and Flick Alszeghy mention the canon of the council of Prague 7 of 561 (cf. DH 457), profession of faith sets the Waldenses by Innocent III (cf. DH 790), and the condemnation of error dualist Albigensian in the fourth Lateran council (cf. DH 800). It is precisely the definition of that council which proposes the doctrine of angelic sin as the basis of the distinction between good and bad angels as a dogma of faith: "The devil and other demons were indeed created naturally good by God, but for them themselves became bad ".
Link (here) to the blog post entitled, originally written in Italian by Fr. Marcello Stanzione's at his website of an organization called The Militia of St. Michael the Archangel
Painting of the Archangel Michael (here)
Painting of the Archangel Michael (here)
You know, I read this type of writing with more and more disappointment as the years go by.
ReplyDeleteThere is just too much writing that is not particularly discerning.
One big problem is logic -- there is just too much reliance on worldly logic. If God appeared before you and said that he wanted to create an evil being -- presumably for divine purposes that he would not divulge -- and that you must consider it to be perfect (but not to deny its evil aspects), well, what would you do? Would you quote scripture to prove that he isn't allowed to do any such thing? Or find some relevant Canon law, perhaps? Or perhaps read him something from the Magisterium?
Perhaps what this really highlights the humility problem -- A failure to understand how much we don't know. And, sadly, a failure to understand the harsh consequences for this shortcoming.
Tony D
ReplyDeleteThank you for your thoughtful comments.
And thank you, Joseph.
ReplyDeleteIn spite of so many blogs on the Internet, there are actually very few forums with the right combination of readers and blog owner.
I can safely say that your blog is unique.
"Humility" seems to be code for "don't think, don't use the rational thinking skills that God gave you." It's just a political buzzword.
ReplyDeleteIsn't humility a biblical concept? And why wouldn't it -- and perhaps often -- help us to overcome our reliance on worldly logic?
ReplyDeleteHear, hear Tony D. Joseph's blog is indeed unique. Whenever I find myself begging the Lord for patience while perusing America Mag, I am reminded of what John Hardon SJ had to say:
ReplyDelete"And the more educated people become, the more academically sophisticated their minds become through years of education, the more they had better keep their minds in humble submission to the Mind of Christ".
Hardon SJ