Sunday, May 30, 2010

Radical Pro Abortion Speaker Kerry Kennedy To Speak At Jesuit Parish In New York City

From the website of St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church in New York City

An evening with Kerry Kennedy author of Being Catholic Now.

Wednesday, June 2nd 7:00 PM Main Church

Her life has been devoted to the vindication of equal justice, to the promotion and protection of basic rights, and to the preservation of the rule of law. At a time of diminished idealism and growing cynicism about public service, her life and lectures are testaments to the commitment to the basic values of human rights.
Link (here) to the Jesuit parish in New York City St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church

Articles referring to Kerry Kennedy and her views

How Support For Abortion Became Kennedy Dogma 
from the Wall Street Journal by Anne Hendershott

Ms. Kennedy's commitment to abortion rights is shared by other prominent family members, including Kerry Kennedy Cuomo and Maryland's former Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. 
An Interview With Kerry Kennedy in The Boston Globe

I just mentioned, or when Bob Drinan was talking about abortion rights, and in the midst of this discussion he was having with me, we were in his office and the phone started to ring, and he said, 'Oh, that's the pope, telling me to shut up.' And so that was kind of funny.

Kerry Kennedy on abortion rights in China her article is entitled,

Help China Help It's Self at MaximsNews Network

As international leaders gathered Thursday at the United Nations to address plans to eradicate global poverty, the Bush administration notified Congress that it will withhold the U.S. contribution ($34 million) to the U.N. Population Fund for the fourth consecutive year. This aid provides vital services for the world's poorest women and girls, so why would the U.S. fail to help? Because, despite the U.S. State Department claims to the contrary, the administration asserts that the fund supports China's forced sterilization policy. The truth is, in order to change that policy, Washington should support the population fund, not cripple it.

Listen (here) to a revealing 50 minute interview with Kerry Kennedy, listen to her say "I am pro-choice" and discuss her confrontation with the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.

Fr. Robert Barron comments in a video on Kerry Kennedy's, "Being Catholic Now" and the Donatism of the liberal Catholic left. Watch the 5 minute video (here)  from Father's


  1. You should title the story "Phony Catholic to Speak at Phony Catholic Parish Run by Phony Catholic Society".

  2. "Radical"--where do you get that?

  3. The Catholic Church has failed it's faithful. What was once a beacon for life and hope is no more. Sometimes I wonder why I bother to go to mass.

  4. Isn't it amazing that the "progressive" religious left always supports those who are pro "choice". Yet, if a person or political philosophy is wrong about the greatest evil to confront mankind, (43,000,000 deaths per year worldwide) how can they possibly be right about anything else?

  5. Rick--43 million deaths per year: that sounds like the Holocaust x10! What are you doing to stop it? A march now & then? Some blogging? Maybe voting for a Republican candidate?

    That doesn't seem like much.

  6. Abortion is defintely to be spoken against, but nothing should get between a person's path and struggle to holiness. Not even abortion rights. Noble cause, but when it becomes an obsession, it's a guarantee that it won't get you to heaven. We need to remember what our purpose in life is and put that FIRST. Everything else, no mattr how noble comes SECOND.

    Even Mother Teresa, whose work is on par with par abortion work, stated that if God told her tomorrow to drop her work with the poor, she would. Mother Teresa placed prayer life FIRST, work with the poor, as noble and necessary as it is, SECOND.
    Time for us Catholics to remember that and stop acting as if our purpose on earth is abortion rights. If you're radical about a cause, you're probably spending much more time on it than in prayer.

  7. "Anonymous" in stating that we pro-lifer's don't seem to be doing much: Going to a March? Or posting on a blog? I don't believe violence is the answer, but a time will come when Christians will be severely persecuted for their beliefs and when they are I know I will not back down. I will pray for them while they spit on me or worse (if God's grace allows me the strength). That will be a strong testament to Jesus Christ and will save more souls than killing an abortionist ever could. Remember the primary goal is to get people to heaven. I believe these innocent children who are being massacred will be in Heaven - that is why I can turn my attention towards changing hearts and not picking up guns. What we are doing - is winning the hearts and souls of many. The day they force women to kill their own children may be the day when we have to resort to more than just prayer. At the moment mother's lineup in droves to kill their own children quite willingly. Violence will not change that darkness it will only add to it. Please read to get a proper viewpoint on how to combat the evil of abortion.

  8. Your argument is valid only if you adhere to nonviolence. Even then I would think that you would be mobilizing along the nonviolent direct action course.

    For nearly forty years anti-abortionists have painted a picture of a holocaust. No fair backing off from the logical response with excuses like, "Oh, I have other things keeping me busy like my prayer life." Let's have some consistency here.

    In the absence of this it just seems like posturing.

  9. Diane, how about the reason that you 'bother to go to Mass' is so that YOU can worship the Lord your God who gave you life?

  10. What a tragedy and an insult to the entire Catholic community to allow this heretic to spread her errors in the House of God no less. The Catholic Church is crystal clear in it's condemnation of abortion, so why does this pastor allow the faithful to be scandalized like this ? If even one soul is deceived by Kerry and decides to abort as a result of the pastor's poor choice to allow her a forum, he will have blood on his hands and be required to account to his maker for it. Let's all pray that he comes to his senses before it's too late.

  11. Another example of a rotting corpse that is going to spew venom to all who will listen. Let us pray that the demons that speak through this reprobate will soon be sent to Hell and that Kerry kennedy will go to confession in order to clean up her soul.

  12. What ever you do, do not financially support the Jesuits any longer, they are giving safe haven to promoters of mass murder.

  13. That's all? That's the response to "mass murder," i.e., don't donate $$? That seems pretty lame. . .

  14. FYI Jesuit News - St. Francis Xavier dissenter parish is to have its altar rededicated by Archbishop Dolan!

  15. Great website, looks very clean and organized. Keep up the good work!


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