Monday, May 17, 2010

Jesuit Is No Longer A Jesuit

The Oregon Province has just reported that Cormac Brissett, (photo) a very questionable Jesuit who once promoted s@x with children and in public restrooms alongside executive Communist Party members and pederasts is no longer with the Society of Jesus, which is still losing.
Link (here) to the frank Catholic blog, The Eponymous Flower.


  1. I am beginning to think that we are witnessing the slow death of the Society...Has you read the latest piece by Fr. Martin regarding *discrimination* against the child of a lesbian couple in Hingham, Mass? I feel as if I am living in a nightmare that knows no end...

  2. Since Fr. Martin was just approving of the Boston Cardinal's response this must mean the "slow death" of the Church there as well.

    Every time something happens in the Church that you don't like doesn't mean that it is "dying."

  3. Depends on how you define slow death? If you are talking about the bankrupt Oregon Province. That definition works. If you are talking about the Chicago and Detroit Provinces rolling to one, that definition works. If you are talking about individual Provinces in the US not having enough vocations to meet replacement needs that definition works as well.


  4. Declining numbers are nothing to cheer about (although there's some evidence of an uptick in novices).

    Nevertheless, the Jesuits I know are a pretty optimistic lot--they are excited by their new ministries, lay interest in Ignatian sprirituality, etc.

    I doubt that there will ever be a return to the large number of Jesuits as we saw in the mid-twentieth century. It seems like the Order is returning to its earlier "lean and mean" operation.

  5. Declining numbers are nothing to cheer about (although there's some evidence of an uptick in novices).

    Nevertheless, the Jesuits I know are a pretty optimistic lot--they are excited by their new ministries, lay interest in Ignatian sprirituality, etc.

    I doubt that there will ever be a return to the large number of Jesuits as we saw in the mid-twentieth century. It seems like the Order is returning to its earlier "lean and mean" operation.

  6. "I doubt that there will ever be a return to the large number of Jesuits as we saw in the mid-twentieth century. It seems like the Order is returning to its earlier "lean and mean" operation."

    Orthodox would be nice. A lot can be accomplished by small groups of absolutely devoted and driven men.

    Unfortunately, the men who welcomed this individual into their ranks are still in charge. You can expect some begrudging nods to Benedictine reforms, some faux conservatism to please the moneybags, but Jesuits will remain what they've been since when Father Arrupe took over the administration of the order in 65".

  7. "Jesuits will remain what they've been since when Father Arrupe took over the administration of the order in 65"

    I hope they do!

  8. I agree with Tancred, they will pick out a few faux conservatives to please the check-writers. Go to any Jesuit Retreat House or Jesuit facility and you can't help but feel
    just how truly "gay" the place feels. Hopefully, all these old white men will realize that the school that gave them a "solid Jesuit" education is today little more than a moral cess pool staffed by: cultural marxists, token minorites, bougie white women looking for meaning in their lives, and homosexual Jesuits. Oh yes, I almost forgot, a great football program. Because a Catholic High School has to have a great athletic program!

  9. Cormac Brissett is a very nice, respectable man and I know him personally. It's a shame that he is being scrutinized for for who he is, a great individual.

  10. I became acquainted with Mr. Brisset when he was working with refugees on the Burma Thailand border. I was impressed by his warmth, intelligence, and joyful sense of humor. I cannot speak to his orthodoxy but it appears he gave up a great deal to profess his vow of poverty and to help those who are suffering.

  11. Cormac is now a candidate for the priesthood within the Salvatorian Order. The Salvatorians are even gayer than the Jesuits.


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