Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Excommunicated L@sbian Womanpriest Was Once A Jesuit Volunteer

Janine Denomme, a former Jesuit volunteer, worked with homeless women, taught high school theology and wrote grants for a number of nonprofit organizations. Most recently she served as director of a youth program at The Center on Halsted, a community center for Chicago’s lesbian/g@y/bis@xual/transgendered community. She also completed a doctoral dissertation on the role of church women in civil rights. At her Chicago parish, Denomme’s talents were tapped for liturgy, preaching, the parish council and spiritual direction -- experiences that only strengthened her vocation. Although she has presided at an alternative Catholic faith community and considered ordination in a Protestant denomination.
Link (here) to the non-Catholic NCR to read the full story.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Roman catholic Women Priests is not Catholic. A Catholic publication would not advocate persons, theology or impropriety that is contrary to the Church. Hence, NCR is non-Catholic.

  3. People on this site love to build walls. . .

  4. The U.S. Bishops and the Vatican still speak to the NCR and regard it as an important Catholic publication. I, for one, am not more Catholic than they are.

  5. NCR is a publication that is not published by any Catholic organization, such as an order or a Diocese. It is a media organization that advocates theological ideas that are incompatible with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.




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