Sunday, May 30, 2010

90 Year Old Wheelchair Bound Jesuit Fr. Bill Brennan Thrown In Jail Along With Union Political Activists

Keith Kelleher is president of SEIU Healthcare Illinois & Indiana, which represents workers in hospitals, nursing homes, home care agencies and childcare. He said many SEIU members were being caught up in the sweeps and background checks.
"There needs to be comprehensive immigration reform and we can't wait any longer. That's why I'm getting arrested. We need these deportations to stop. Everyday 1,100 families are broken up," 
said Kelleher. He and others termed the federal government's immigration strategy a failure. "The families in my district who are being ripped apart by old and broken laws can't wait," said Chicago Alderman George Cardenas. "The workers can't wait. Our economy can't wait. You don't throw $1.5 trillion down the drain in a recession." Cardenas was referring to the amount of money immigrant workers will add to the US economy if reform passes.  
"Legality. Rules. Passports and security on the border. Those are issues. But the real issue is people looking for a better life. God made the world for everybody. Not just for you and me and the United States," 
said Father Bill Brennan, (photo) a 90 year-old Jesuit priest from Milwaukee who was arrested.
Link (here) to Peoples World

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