Saturday, April 17, 2010

Oil Business

“We very much appreciate the commitment Chevron has demonstrated in staying with this dialogue over the past six years of engagement,” said Very Rev. G. Thomas Krettek, S.J., Provincial for the Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus, the lead filer for the shareholder resolution. “We remain committed to ongoing dialogue with Chevron regarding implementation, monitoring, reporting, and incentivizing the policy, as well as identifying potential areas where Policy 520 might be strengthened.”
“Chevron’s new human rights policy is a good beginning, yet much work still remains,” commented John Kleiderer, Acting Secretary for Social and International Ministries of the Jesuit Conference. “With the proper follow through, we believe that Chevron has an opportunity to be an industry leader in human rights – not only in words, but in practice.” Shareholder advocates have consistently noted that this leadership will be rewarded by improved relationships with host communities and the importance of avoiding of human rights incidents.
Shareholder proponents anticipate future and ongoing dialogue with Chevron regarding policy deployment and transparent monitoring of the policy. Furthermore, the Jesuit-led coalition encourages Chevron to have more explicit community engagements, management directives and a widening mandate to honor the human rights protections by suppliers and security contractors. You can download a summary of Policy 520 at

An excerpt
Like our Human Rights Statement, our Human Rights Policy reaffirms the manner in which we operate and is consistent with human rights principles applicable to business. We recognize the relevant ideals in the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Our global HIV/AIDS policy affirms that employees suffering from or otherwise affected by HIV/AIDS are protected by the company's existing policies on discrimination and harassment.
We continue to reinforce human rights issues through education and computer-based training. Throughout 2008, we deepened our dialogue with thought leaders in nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), government and academia on the appropriate role of business. We held a three-day workshop for our Global Security advisors that included emerging security and human rights issues.
Chevron has long supported the Leon H. Sullivan Foundation and endorsed the Global Sullivan Principles. The principles promote business support for human rights, economic justice, racial and gender equality, sustainable development, and a healthy environment. In 2008, Chevron sponsored the eighth Leon H. Sullivan Summit in Tanzania, and then–Vice Chairman Peter Robertson gave an address on the company's efforts toward achieving sustainable growth by helping others help themselves.
In addition to the work with Chevron, the Jesuits were the lead shareholder proponents in the processes that eventually led to corporate human rights policies by Occidental Petroleum and Monsanto.
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