Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fr. Abrose D'Mello, S.J. "Rest In Peace":

Jesuits in India have mourned the death of Father Ambrose D’Mello, a pioneering missioner. Father D’Mello, who was the first Jesuit Provincial of India, died of cancer on April 18 at Guwahati, Assam. He was 87. Mourning the death, Father Edward Mudavassery, current Jesuit provincial of South Asia, told UCA News on April 19 that his late confrere had braved great odds to start several missions in India. Father D’Mello took the initiative to set up the office of the Jesuit Provincial of India to coordinate the works of the Society of Jesus in the country. The office was later renamed the Jesuit Provincial of South Asia.
Read the rest of the article in its entirety (here)

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