Such is the name of the first pilgrimage, which, So far as we can learn, was established in honor of St. Joseph. It owes its existence to a Jesuit Father, named Debrosse, a zealous servant of the saint. 0ne day, as the fervent religious was pondering the means best calculated to awaken his favorite devotion in the hearts of others, the thought came into his mind to establish this pilgrimage, and, aided by the benevolence of pious friends, he was enabled to carry out his idea. On the 19th of March, 1840, the elegant chapel, now to be seen on the road to Chateau Goutier, about a mile and a half from Laval, was blessed under the name of St. Joseph of the Fields. The altar, of peculiar beauty, is surmounted by a statue of St. Joseph holding the Infant Jesus in his arras. Two reliquaries have been placed in that holy spot, presented by the Marquis and Marchioness of Ambray on their return from Rome ; they contain a piece of the cloak of St. Joseph, and of the veil of the Blessed Virgin.
His Holiness Pope Gregory XVI., by his bulls, dated 1840 and 1842, deigned to grant numerous indulgences to those pilgrims who went thither. 0n Wednesdays, especially, the affluence of persons is so great that the chapel can hardly contain them. In order to further the devotion, some pious souls have founded Masses for all the Wednesdays throughout the year, which are always numerously attended.
St. Joseph has testified his pleasure by some striking favors, such as the following.
A trustworthy governess of the (this link makes a connection by a "thread of Grace" to St Faustina's order and the Divine Mercy) Community of Mercy at Laval was attacked with sudden illness, of which no one knew the cause, and was wasted by a slow fever which threatened her life. After three months of useless remedies, the physicians despaired of her cure. The invalid then had recourse to Heaven, was led to the (Chapelle St. Joseph des Champs) Chapel of St. Joseph of the Fields, and there prayed either for a complete cure, or the grace of a happy death. She heard Mass there and received communion, and found herself perfectly cured. The next day her strength was so completely restored that she was enabled to resume her ordinary occupations.
Link (here) to the portion of the book entitled Devotion to Saint Joseph, by Fr.Giuseppe Antonio Patrignani, S.J.
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