Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Son Of Siro, "After The Manner Of The Nazarenes"

He observed that the prophet was rather tall and well proportioned, with a tendency to slimness. There was about him an air of serenity and command, attracting the love and reverence of the seriously-minded son of Siro. The hair was a rich golden-brown, long and falling down to the shoulders. It was parted on the forehead after the manner of the Nazarenes. The forehead was white, broad and high, giving its owner an indescribably noble appearance. Upon approaching nearer, Lazarus saw that the complexion was so marvelously clear as to resemble the purest alabaster, or Parian marble. The cheeks were faintly tinged with color; the lips had the redness of perfect health. The beard, a shade or two lighter than the hair, was not long, but thick and forked. The features which most impressed Lazarus were the eyes. They were clear, grey and piercing. At times they appeared almost blue, changing and deepening in color as they expressed the various emotions of the soul.

Link (here) to the mentioned portion of  The Son of Siro: A Story of Lazarus, by Fr. J.E. Copus, S.J.

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