Friday, March 5, 2010

Ignatian Resources

David Paternostro, S.J. recently posted this list of great Ignatian resource on prayer. At the Jesuit authored Spiritual Exercises blog.

Making Choices in Christ: The Foundations of Ignatian Spirituality by Fr. Joseph Tetlow, S.J.
Ignatius Loyola: Spiritual Exercises by Fr. Joseph Tetlow, S.J.
Meditation and Contemplation: An Ignatian Guide to Prayer With Scripture by Fr. Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V.
Armchair Mystic: Easing Into Contemplative Prayer by Fr. Mark Thibodeaux, S.J.
A Pilgrim’s Journey: The Autobiography of St. Ignatius Loyola
The website for the Apostleship of Prayer:
John Brown, S.J.’s website, Companion of Jesus (especially the section “Jesuit Review”):
“Seasoned Spirituality”, daily reflections by Fr. Rodney Kissinger, S.J.: 

Read the full post (here)


  1. Fr. Rodney Kissinger, S.J., who 'has been a Jesuit for over 64 years and a priest for over 53 years', provides commentary on the Spiritual Exercieses Blog. He also has a wonderful sense of humor!

  2. I searched it at and there's no Imprimatur or Nihil Obstat on "Making Choices in Christ: The Foundations of Ignatian Spirituality" by Fr. Joseph Tetlow, S.J.

    Any idea why?

    Any idea about the others? They can't be searched at amazon.

  3. Does anybody seek imprimaturs any more? Jesuit publications are usually subject to internal censorship and only the most bold would be brave enough to publish and be damned. Invariably bullying from Socii would follow.

  4. "Jesuit publications are usually subject to internal censorship..."



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