Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. wrote of a "noosphere", a universal belt of Psychosocial forces.
Julian Huxley some what less Platonic, preferred the term "noosystem."Both of them conceived this new world of consciousness to be Stage Three in evolutionary matter.
Link (here)
The painting is called Noosphere
I tried to like de Chardin's writings because I liked Father Telemann's character, who was based on de Chardin, in both the movie and the book "Shoes of the Fisherman" (for my money, no one can perform a fatal aneurisma cerebral like Oskar Werner). Father Telemann was not allowed to publish because he was heretical. De Chardin, on the other hand, did publish, and it's interesting to see where his ideas have been lauded and assimilated to make for a new ageier, gnostic, Catholicism.
ReplyDeleteTeilard de Chardin's work was banned in his lifetime and only circulated furtively in duplicated copies. After his death the world was swamped by his newly-published works. He is now largely forgotten. Why? Because his theories are scientifically unsustainable and his christology crazy.