Saturday, February 27, 2010

Novitiate, Serving The Mid-West

The Jesuit novitiate for the provinces of Wisconsin, Detroit and Chicago is returning to its former address in St. Paul, at 1035 Summit Ave., next to the Jesuit parish of St. Thomas More Catholic Church.

The site became the home for the Wisconsin province Jesuit novitiate in 1982. Previously, it was located on Finn Street, near the Uni­ver­s­ity of St. Thomas. Around 1995, it became a tri-province novitiate, serving the provinces of Wis­consin, Missouri and English-Canada.

Last year, the Wisconsin Province novitiate joined with the provinces of Detroit and Chicago for a new tri-provincial arrangement, and the novitiate house moved to Berkley, Mich. In August, it will move back to St. Paul, said (go to page 3 >) Jesuit Father Luis Rodriguez, (pictured) assistant provincial for the Wisconsin Province.

The provinces of Wisconsin, Detroit and Chicago currently have 21 novices. The novitiate is two years. The move will take place after novices currently in their second year take vows Aug. 15 and before the new novices enter, Father Rodriguez said.

Link (here) to the original article.

1 comment:

  1. The body of the article is accurate, but the title is not. At one time the Jesuits in English Canada were partners in the novitiate at St. Paul Minnesota, with the Wisconsin and Missouri provinces of the Society of Jesus. This partnership was a most fruitful one. But a few years ago, the impending restructuration of the American Jesuit provinces led the Jesuits in English Canada to establish a bi-cultural, bi-linguistic novitiate in Montreal with their sister French Canada province. This new initiative has been working very well. Together with the combining of the province archives of the English Canadian and French Canadian provinces, and regular joint meetings of the consultors of both provinces, intensifies the collaboration of these two provinces, which were one until 1924.


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