Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saints Owner Celebrates Mass With LOY-NOLA Jesuit

On Super Bowl Sunday, Loyola held its own event in the St. Charles Room where students could receive free food and t-shirts as well as a safe place to watch the game. In addition, students scattered between dorm rooms, houses and local bars and restaurants to root for the New Orleans Saints.
Some, including Loyola president the Rev. Kevin Wildes, S.J., who the Maroon recently reported celebrates Mass with Saints’ owner Tom Benson every game day, flew to Miami to enjoy the game.
The game itself started off on a somewhat underwhelming foot, with the Saints going into halftime never having led on the scoreboard and still four points behind the Indianapolis Colts. It wasn’t until head coach Sean Payton called for an on-side kick to start off the second half that the Saints gained — and held — the lead. With a pick-six by Tracy Porter in the last minutes of the game, the Saints solidified their 31-17 victory.

While the win may have been in Miami, the party was in New Orleans.

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