Monday, February 1, 2010

Dispatch From Haiti

Ouanaminthe: Pedro Arrupe's House and Apostolate (Solidarité transfrontaliére et Fe y Alegria) are not damaged. All Jesuits and lay colleagues fine. Communication by phone is impossible. I will remain in contact with them via the Internet.

Biassou: Karl Lévêque House is intact; the house was not damaged and the Jesuits are fine. The house next door was destroyed. The Jesuits are trying to rescue their neighbours.

Canapé-Vert: Ignatius Loyola House was Justify Fullslightly damaged and the Jesuits are fine though in shock. Houses in the neighborhood were damaged or destroyed. Father Sainfariste Dérino, S.J. was not at home at the time of the earthquake; we do not know where he is. We will try to locate him this afternoon. We are assisting our neighbors in need; many spent the night with us in the garden. We believe that Brother Charlot Mathurin, S.J. is safe in Dulagon, given that the Artibonite Region was not hit hard by the earthquake.

The Novitiate, Tabarre District, Port-au-Prince: The house was slightly damaged; the water tank on the roof collapsed and caused some destruction. The Jesuit Fathers, the first year novices and all the retreatants are well. The Rural Development Support Group (GADRU) house was destroyed. Jean-Marie and lay colleagues were able to escape from the house as the shaking began. They are safe.

Kawas François, S.J.
Provincial Delegate for Apostolic Ministries in Haiti.

Link (here) to the full post at the Jesuit Portal

Photo is of Fr. Francois, S.J. being interviewed on the left.

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