Thursday, January 7, 2010

No, No, No Not In New Orleans

The web site of the Student Health Services office at Loyola University New Orleans includes Planned Parenthood among its list of local clinics and offers a link to Planned Parenthood of Louisiana and the Misssippi Delta. The university’s web site also notes that students who have taken the sociology department’s capstone course (Sociology Internship/Practicum) “have interned at Planned Parenthood.”

Founded in 1912 by the Jesuit Fathers, Loyola University New Orleans has 4,474 students, 2,658 of whom are undergraduates.

Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.

Link (here) to the Catholic article


  1. Spiritual cognitive dissonance at the institutional level: New Orleans is a schizophrenic town.

  2. We have no resourse other than to pray to Our Lady. We must ask her to intervene and re-awkaken in the hearts of Jesuits a respect of life and fidelity to the Magisterium.

  3. Isolated incident. The system is working. Nothing to see here. Move along, now.

    How is this troubling, when the majority of bishops and clergy maintained (either vocally or silently) it was licit to vote for Obama?

  4. Some of us imagined that the New Orleans Province was the hope of the Society of Jesus in the United States!

  5. Isolated incident. Do you not read?


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