Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's Clear There Are More

"There are at least 100 cases in Montana against the Jesuits, but we also found evidence that will lead to suits against the dioceses in Great Falls and Helena," said (photo on the right) Tim Kosnoff.
"There will also be additional cases against the U.S. government for things that happened in Bureau of Indian Affairs schools." In the bankruptcy case, Kosnoff said the Jesuit order will take some time to "absorb the information, and their insurance carrier will start examining the claims and assessing their exposure."
Kosnoff said he and other attorneys will examine the assets of the Jesuit order, but they won't limit their scrutiny to just the Oregon province.
"They are part of the larger, worldwide Jesuit order, and there significant assets,""But you never find out fully what the assets are. They claim poverty, but before it's over, the money appears." Kosnoff said.
The judge has also appointed a mediator who will eventually start meeting with all the principals in hopes of hammering out an agreement short of the case going to trial. Kosnoff said the time frame for resolution is extremely uncertain, but the attorneys will press for expediency. "We have a lot of clients who are elderly, so we're going to be pressing to get a resolution for them," he said. Kosnoff said while that the effort to find victims was successful, it's clear there are more.

Link (here) to the full story.


  1. Fr. John Hardons SJ
    Biography: Gerald Fitzgerald

    "If this privilege of reparation is pleasing to God from everyone, it is particularly welcome when the one who expiates is himself a priest, making up for his fellow priests who are estranged from God. Father Gerald recommended identifying this kind of priest-for-priest reparation with the Sixth Station of the Cross, and associating it with one's daily Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament.

    Then you come to the great beautiful field of reparation. What a privilege! A beautiful symbol of Veronica pushing her way through the lineup as it were, making a special effort, going to Our Lord and lifting her veil and receiving in return the beautiful image of Christ. Lift your soul. O what reparation for the sins of priests. O how precious to Christ is a priest who comes to Him and offers with his bare soul to wipe the terrible spittle and filth that unworthy priests cast each day upon Our Lord. It is true that the physical sufferings of Our Lord are at an end, but the source of those physical and mental anguishes that He bore in the Passion are today and tomorrow and all the tomorrows till the end of time. And it is effectively true that if I make reparation today, Jesus will see that reparation together with Veronica's reparation as He went the Way of the Cross".

  2. What a great resource!


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