Tuesday, December 15, 2009


The Planned Parenthood Federation of America is listed as a “career and professional resource” within the women’s and gender studies discipline

on the University of Detroit Mercy’s web site.

“The Women's Studies Mission is global in its pursuit of equality, justice and humanity for all,” according to the web page, which lists Planned Parenthood as one of nine “career and professional resources” and describes it as the “best known pro-choice organization in the U.S. Provides information about planned parenthood, AIDS, Congressional action, and more.”

The web page on which Planned Parenthood is listed “is endorsed by the University of Detroit Mercy (UDM) and supports the views, values, and mission of UDM,” according to a note at the bottom of the web page. “The University of Detroit Mercy web site provides links to other web sites, both public and private, for informational purposes. The inclusion of these links on UDM's site does not imply endorsement by the University.”

Link (here) to the full article in Catholic Culture.

1 comment:

  1. Look up Catholic, Jesuit University of Detroit religion teacher - Jane Schaberg. The University web site lists her as a member of Catholics for Choice.


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