Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New Jesuit Review

“The Second Vatican Council urged religious congregations to embark on a process of recovery and re-appropriation of the spirit of their founders and of their best spiritual traditions.
This is a complex yet important task, which the Society of Jesus has already begun to undertake. I applaud the inauguration of the New Jesuit Review,
hoping that it may play a part in the deepening of Jesuit understanding of the Society's extraordinary legacy.”

+Terrence Prendergast, S.J.

Archbishop of Ottawa

The first three articles in the New Jesuit Review

The Self-Sacrificing Pastor: Saint Anthony Daniel in the Year of the Priest

By Archbishop Terrence Pendergast, S.J.

'Circa Missiones': On the Jesuit Fourth Vow

By Fr. Kevin Flannery, S.J.

Ignatian Spirituality and the Apostleship of Prayer

By Fr. James Kubicki, S.J.

The editorial board of New Jesuit Review :

Fr. David Brown, S.J. Vatican Observatory

Fr. Kevin Flannery, S.J. Pontifical Gregorian University

Fr. John Gavin, S.J. Pontifical Biblical Institute

Fr. James Swetnam, S.J. Pontifical Biblical Institute

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