Sunday, December 6, 2009

"Climategate" Not At America Magazine

Highlighted below is a small portion of an editorial entitled The Moment is Now, written by the editors of America, the leading Jesuit publication of the English speaking world. The subject is global warming or climate change. I would like to point out that the editorial pits the rich against the poor, implies a moral duty upon the reader to raise his/her taxes, buy a hybrid car, install expensive light bulbs and vote for liberal Democratic policies, I am not sure if violating any one of these would constitute a mortal sin or a venial sin?

No where can be found any reference to the fraudulent science that has been recently discovered at East Anglia University, nor the lack of co-operation from NASA, nor the fact that Al Gore has canceled his upcoming big speech in Copenhagen, nor that Australian Parliament just recently voted down their proposed cap and trade all in light of the recent development of what has become known as "Climategate".
"If the planet is to survive, as Pope Benedict XVI concluded in Caritas in Veritate, all nations must accept binding reductions in carbon emissions and construct an equitable structure for energy consumption and for sharing the development of green technology among rich and poor nations—for the sake of this generation and generations to come."
Link (here) to the entire piece.

The Climate Summit has just banned Christmas Tree's at its meeting, it's carbon foot print was probably to big, read more (here).

1 comment:

  1. off topic:Pope condemned again the liberation theology,day 5,to brazilian bishops.


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