Monday, November 16, 2009

A Jesuit Student Led Newspaper Is Under Scrutiny

A satirical column that uses derogatory language to mock women for one-night stands has prompted harassment claims against a Connecticut college newspaper that published the piece.

Student editors at The Fairfield Mirror are concerned the controversy could affect the paper's $30,000 funding stream from Fairfield University and jeopardize the paper's editorial independence. The Catholic university in southwest Connecticut has about 5,000 students,

Thomas Pellegrino, the Jesuit university's dean of students, said the column violated the student newspaper's ethical and procedural guidelines. But he said Thursday that the newspaper would not necessarily lose its funding.

University officials want the paper's editors to appear before a student conduct board, which is reviewing complaints from four female students who say they felt harassed and offended by the column.

Link (here) to the full article in the Hartford Courant.

Photo by Peter Caty is of the author Chris Surette who wrote the piece Hanging with the boys.


  1. Just so you know, the author of the article was actually Chris Surette, not Peter Caty. He took the photo.



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