Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Traditional Latin Mass At Boston College's St. Mary Chapel

From Fr, Z's website WDPRS.

Dear Fr;
On the Feast of St Michael the Archangel, Fr Agustin Anda Celebrated a Traditional Mass according to the 1962 Missal, granting the request of two student organisations, the Boston College Thomas More Society (Law) and the (conservative) Boston College Observer. Organizers were Michael Williams and Philip Micele, who also Served on the Altar.
Assisting Fr Anda was the Thomas More Society adviser, Fr. Gary Gurtler, SJ, and Gregorian Ordinary,
Propers and supplementary Sequences Hymns and Responsories were sung by the Cathedral of the Holy Cross choir, Schola Amicorum. This event was not widely publicized in advance, but nevertheless was attended by approximately 50 very devout congregants, mostly students.

Event Photos

Tridentine Latin Mass sponsored by the Thomas More Society of Boston College, Celebrated in St Mary’s Chapel by Fr Agustin Anda, assisted by Fr. Gary Gurtler, S.J.. Chant choir Schola Amicorum, from the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Feast of St Michael the Archangel. Acolytes Philip Micele, Michael Williams

Link (here) to Fr. Z's original post


  1. I love St. Mary's Chapel. Such a perfect environment for this. I'd love to see the Latin Mass said regularly again.

    Thank you for the links.

  2. This will not succeed in fact, that's what I suppose.


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