Thursday, October 1, 2009

More Questions For Fairfield University

The Fairfield Mirror the student newspaper of Fairfield University, has published an op/ed piece about the "Perlitz/Carrier/Fairfield Scandal" By Joe Carretta. I have excerpted some of the highlights of this lengthy piece.

  • A man who was celebrated for dedicating his work to bettering the lives of Haitian boys is now being indicted for sexually abusing them.
  • According to the previous reports in The Mirror, the indictment alleges that from 2002 to 2008, $2 million was transferred from the Haiti Fund, an account established to control the millions of dollars raised for Perlitz's work with the boys, which is a registered Connecticut charity, to a separate account in Haiti that Perlitz had control over. Many of those donations came from members of the Fairfield community, including former director of campus ministry, Fr. Paul Carrier.

  • Fairfield is distancing themselves from Perlitz as if he has the swine flu. This is an individual who received an honorary degree, spoke during the 2002 commencement, and had multiple individuals with powerful Fairfield and Jesuit ties serving on his board of directors.
  • While the University may not have understood the magnitude of Perlitz's sick operation, they should have launched a full investigation after the first rumblings came through from Mr. Kendrick.

Read the full piece (here)

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