List of Catholic clerics executed in England 1530 - 1680
1530 - 1560
- Ralph Barnes, monk, 1537
- Elizabeth Barton, Benedictine nun, 1534
- John Beche, Abbot, Chester, 1539
- Thomas Belohiam, Franciscan friar, 1538
- Arthur Bell, Franciscan friar, 1543
- Richard Bere, Carthusian monk, 1537
- Robert Bird, priest, 1540
- William Bird, priest, 1540
- Laurence Blonham, monk, 1537
- Edward Bocking, Benedictine, 1537
- Edmund Brindholme, priest, 1544
- Anthony Brookby, Franciscan, 1538
- Thomas Brownel, Brigittine brother
- Edward Burden, priest, 1538
- William Burraby, priest, 1537
- James Cockerell, Prior of Gisborough Priory, 1537
- William Coe, monk, 1537
- Lawrence Cook, Carmelite. Prior of Doncaster Friary, 1540[1]
- Richard Coppinger, Benedictine, 1558
- Thomas Cort, Franciscan, 1537
- Martin Coudres, Augustinian monk, 1544
- William Cowper, monk, 1537
- George Croft, priest, 1538
- John Eastgate, monk, 1537
- Richard Eastgate, monk, 1537
- Thomas Empson, Benedictine, 1540
- William Exmew, Carthusian monk, 1535
- John Eynon, Benedictine monk, 1539
- Hugh Faringdon, Abbot of Reading, 1539
- Richard Featherstone, Archdeacon, 1540
- John Fisher, Saint, Bishop, 1535
- John Forrest, Franciscan friar, 1538
- John Francis, monk, 1537
- John Haile (or Hale), priest, 1535
- Richard Harrison, Abbot of Jervaulx, 1537
- William Haydock, monk, 1537
- Nicholas Heath, Prior of Lenton, 1537
- John Henmarsh, priest, 1537
- Robert Hobbes, Abbot of Woburn, 1537
- John Houghton, Saint, Carthusian prior, 1535
- John Paslew, Abbot of Whatley, 1537
- Paul of Saint William, Augustinian monk, 1544
- William Peterson, priest, 1540
- John Pickering, Benedictine, prior of York, 1537
- John Pickering, priest, 1537
- Walter Pierson, Carthusian, 1537
- Edward Powell, priest, 1540
- Thomas Redforth, priest, 1537
- Hugh Rich, Franciscan friar, 1534
- William Richardson, priest, 1540
- Richard Risby, Franciscan friar, 1534
- John Rochester, Carthusian monk, 1537
- John Rugg, monk, Reading, 1539
- Adam Sedbar, Abbot of Jervaulx, 1537
- Robert Singleton, priest, 1544
- Thomas Slythurst, priest, 1560
- John Stone, Saint, friar, 1538
- William Swale, monk, 1537
- John Tenant, monk, 1537
- John Thorne, monk, Glastonbury, 1539
- William Thyrsk, Cistercian, 1537
- William Trafford, Abbot of Sawley, 1537
- John Travers, monk, 1539
1561 - 1600
- John Ackridge, priest, 1585
- Thomas Ackridge, Franciscan, 1583
- John Adams, priest, 1586
- Thomas Alfield, priest, 1585
- John Almond, Cistercian, 1585
- John Amias, priest, 1589
- Robert Anderton, priest, 1586
- William Andleby, priest, 1597
- William Baldwin (Bawden), priest, 1588
- Christopher Bales, priest, 1590
- Thomas Bedal, priest, 1590
- George Beesley, priest, 1591
- William Blackburne, priest, 1586
- John Bodey, priest, 1583
- John Boste, Saint, priest, 1594
- Richard Bowes, priest, 1590
- John Boxall, priest, 1571
- Alexander Briant, Jesuit priest, 1581
- James Brushford, priest, 1593
- Christopher Buxton, priest, died Canterbury, 1588
- Edmund Campion, Jesuit priest, 1581
- James Claxton (Clarkson), priest, 1588
- James Clayton, priest, 1588
- Henry Cole, priest, 1580
- Laurence Collier, Franciscan, 1590
- John Collins, priest, 1584
- Henry Comberford, priest, 1584
- John Cornelius, Jesuit priest, 1594
- Thomas Cotesmore, priest, 1584
- Thomas Cottam, Jesuit priest, 1582
- Richard Creagh, archbishop of Armagh, 1585
- Ralph Crockett, priest, 1588
- Alexander Crowe, priest, 1587
- Thomas Crowther, priest, 1585
- Robert Dalby, priest, York, 1589
- William Davies, priest, 1594
- William Dean, priest, 1588
- Richard (Robert) Dibdale]], priest, 1586
- Francis Dicconson, priest, 1590
- Roger Dicconson, priest, 1591
- George Douglas, priest, 1587
- Anthony Draycott, priest, 1570
- Edmund Duke, priest, 1590
- John Feckenham, Benedictine, abbot of Westminster, 1585
- Thomas Felton, Franciscan, 1588
- James Fenn, priest, 1584
- John Fenwick, Jesuit priest, 1579
- John Finch, 1584
- John Finglow, priest, 1586
- William Freeman, priest, 1595
- Thomas Gabyt, Cistercian, 1575
- Nicholas Garlick, priest, 1588
- Miles Gerard, priest, 1590
- Nicholas Grene, priest, 1571
- - Gretus, priest
- John Griffith (alias Jones), Saint, Franciscan friar, 1598
- William Gunter, priest, 1588
- William Hambledon, priest, 1585
- John Hambley, priest, 1587
- Everard Hanse, priest, 1581
- Nicholas Harpsfield, priest, 1575
- William Harrington, priest, 1594
- John Harrison, priest, 1586
- William Harrison, priest, 1594
- William Hart, priest, 1583
- William Hartley, priest, 1588
- Thomas Harwood, priest, 1586
- Richard Hatton, priest, 1584
- George Haydock, priest, 1584
- Thomas Hemerford, priest, 1584
- John Hewitt, priest, 1588
- Richard Hill, priest, 1590
- John Hogg, priest, 1590
- Thomas Holford, priest, 1588
- Richard Holliday, priest, 1590
- Robert Holmes, priest, 1584
- Richard Horner, priest, 1598
- Edward James, priest, 1588
- Edmund Jennings (Genings), Saint, priest, 1591
- John Jetter, priest, 1585
- Lawrence Johnson, priest, 1582
- Robert Johnson, priest, 1582
- Edward Jones, priest, 1590
- Joseph Lambton, priest, 1593
- Richard Leigh, priest, 1588
- James Lomax, priest, 1584
- John Lowe, priest, 1586
- Robert Ludlam, priest, 1588
- William Marsden, priest, 1586
- Roger Martin, priest, 1592
- Cuthbert Mayne, Saint, priest, 1577
- Thomas Metham, Jesuit, 1592
- Anthony Middleton, priest, 1590
- Robert Morton, priest, 1588
- Thomas Mudde, Cistercian, 1583
- John Munden, priest, 1584
- Antony Page, priest, 1593
- Thomas Palasor, priest, 1600
- William Patenson, priest, 1592
- John Payne, Saint, priest, 1582
- Thomas Pilchard, priest, 1587
- Polydore Plasden, priest, 1591
- Thomas Plumtree, priest, 1570
- Edward Pole, priest, 1585
- Thomas Pormort, priest, 1592
- Alexander Rawlins, priest, 1595
- Christopher Robinson, priest, Carlisle, 1598
- John Robinson, priest, 1588
- John Roche, priest, 1588
- Stephen Rowsham, priest, 1587
- John Sandys, priest, 1586
- Montford Scott, priest, 1591
- Thomas Sedgwick, priest, 1573
- Richard Sergeant, priest, 1586
- Martin Sherson, priest, 1587
- John Shert, priest, 1582
- Peter Snow, priest, 1598
- Robert Southwell, priest, 1595
- William Spenser, priest, 1589
- Thomas Sprott, priest, 1600
- James Stonnes, priest, 1585
- John Story, Chancellor to Bishop Bonner, 1571
- Edward Stransham, priest, 1586
- Robert Sutton, priest, 1587
- Edmund Sykes, priest, 1587
- Robert Sympson (or Richard Sympson), priest, 1588
- Gabriel Thimelby, priest, 1587
- Richard Thirkeld, priest, 1583
- James Thompson, priest, York, 1582
- John Thompson, Jesuit
- William Thomson, priest, 1586
- Hugh Taylor, priest, York, 1585
- Robert Thorpe, priest, 1591
- Edward Thwing, priest, 1600
- Roger Wakeman, priest, 1584
- Sir Edward Waldegrave, 1561
- Henry Walpole, Saint, priest, 1595
- Edward Waterson, priest, 1593
- William Way (alias May or Flower), priest, 1588
- Swithin Wells, priest, 1591
- Richard Weston, Jesuit
- Christopher Wharton, priest, 1600
- Eustace White, priest, 1591
- Robert Wilcox, priest, 1588
- Richard Williams, priest, 1592
- Thomas Wood, priest, 1588
- John Woodcock, Franciscan, 1646
- Nicholas Woodfen, priest, 1586
1601 - 1680
- Placid Aldham (Adelham), Benedictine, 1679
- William Allison, priest, 1681
- John Almond, Saint, priest, 1612
- Edmund Arrowsmith, Jesuit priest, 1628
- Ralph Ashley, Jesuit priest, 1606
- William Atkins, Jesuit, 1681
- Nicholas Atkinson, priest, 1610
- Thomas Atkinson, priest, 1616
- Edward Bamber, priest, 1646
- Mark Barkworth, Benedictine, 1601
- Ambrose Edward Barlow, Saint, priest, 1641
- Thomas Bedingfeld, Jesuit, 1678
- William Bentney (alias Bennet), Jesuit, 1692
- Richard Birkett, priest, 1680
- Thomas Blount, priest, 1647
- Richard Bradley, Jesuit, 1645
- Matthew Brazier (alias Grimes), Jesuit, 1650
- James Brown, Benedictine, 1645
- Thomas Bullaker, priest, 1642
- Roger Cadwallador, priest, 1610
- Edmund Cannon, priest, 1651
- Brian Cansfield, Jesuit, 1643
- Edmund Catheriok, priest, 1642
- Walter Coleman, Franciscan, 1645
- Benedict Constable, Benedictine, 1683
- Ralph Corbie, Jesuit, 1644
- Robert Cox, Benedictine, 1650
- Christopher Dixon, Augustinian, 1616
- Robert Drury, priest, 1607
- John Duckett, priest, 1644
- Thomas Dyer, Benedictine, c.1618-1630
- Robert Edmonds, Benedictine, 1615
- Philip Evans, Jesuit, 1679
- Roger Filcock, priest, 1601
- Matthew Flathers, priest, 1607
- Thomas Foster (Forster), Jesuit, 1648
- Andrew Fryer (alias Herne or Richmond), priest, 1651
- Henry Garnet, Jesuit, 1606
- Thomas Garnet, Saint, Jesuit priest, 1608
- John Gavan, Jesuit priest, 1679
- John Gerard (Jesuit), priest, Jesuit, 1637
- George Gervase, Benedictine, 1608
- John Goodman (Jesuit), priest, 1645
- Hugh Green, priest, 1642
- William Harcourt, Jesuit, 1679
- James Harrison, priest, 1602
- Hebry Heath, Franciscan friar, 1643
- Ildephonse Hesketh (alias William Hanson), Benedictine, 1644
- Thomas Holland, priest, 1642
- Thomas Hunt, priest, 1600
- Thurstan Hunt, priest, 1601
- Richard Lacey, Jesuit, 1680
- Francis Levison, Franciscan, 1679
- David Lewis, Jesuit, 1679
- John Lloyd, Saint, priest, 1679
- William Lloyd, priest, 1679
- John Lockwood, priest, 1642
- Laurence Mabbs, Benedictine, 1641
- Charles Mahoney (alias Meehan), Franciscan friar, 1679
- Thomas Maxfield, priest, 1616
- Edward Mico, Jesuit, 1678
- Robert Middleton, priest, 1601
- William Middleton (alias Heathcote), Benedictine, 1644
- Thomas Molineux, Jesuit, 1681
- Edward Morgan, priest, 1642
- Henry Morse, Saint, Jesuit priest, 1645
- Francis Page, Jesuit, 1602
- Placid Peto, Benedictine, 1642-1643
- John Pibush, priest, 1601
- Thomas Pickering, Benedictine, 1679
- William Plessington, priest, 1679
- Nicholas Postgate, priest, 1679
- Philip Powel, Benedictine, 1646
- Thomas Preston (alias Roger Widdrington), Benedictine, 1640
- Thomas Reynolds (alias Green), priest, 1642
- William Richardson, priest, 1603
- John Roberts, Saint, Benedictine, 1610
- Alban Bartholomew Roe, Saint, Benedictine monk, 1642
- William Scot (Maurus Scott) 1612
- Thomas Somers, priest, 1610
- William Southerne, priest, 1618
- Saint John Southworth, priest, 1654
- John Sugar, priest, 1604
- John Thulis, priest, 1616
- Thomas Thwing, priest, 1679
- Thomas Tichborne, priest, 1602
- Cuthbert Tunstall, priest, 1616
- Thomas Tunstall, priest, 1616
- Anthony Turner, Jesuit, 1679
- Edward Turner, Jesuit, 1681
- John Wall, Saint, Franciscan friar, 1679
- William Ward, Saint, priest, 1641
- Robert Watkinson, priest, 1602
- Thomas Whitaker, priest, 1646
- Thomas Whitbread, Jesuit, 1679
No precise date of martyrdom available
- Richard Adams, priest
- Thomas Belser, priest
- William Bannersley, priest
- Humphrey Browne, Jesuit
- George ab Alba Rose, Augustinian
- James Gerard, priest
- John Hudd, Jesuit
- Thomas Moyne
- John Pearson, priest
- John Penketh, Jesuit
- Cuthbert Prescott, Jesuit
- Ignatius Price, Jesuit
- Charles Pritchard, Jesuit
- Thomas Ridall, priest
- John Rivers (alias Austen Abbot), priest
- Francis Simeon, Jesuit
- James Swarbrick, priest
- Charles Thursley, Jesuit
- Thomas Vaughan, priest
- John Young, priest
- Boniface Wilford, Benedictine
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