Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jesuit Educated: Michael Rady "They Aren't Typical Catholics"

Micheal Rady is an actor currently starring the updated version of Melrose Place, here is a suspicious section of his full interview.

Question: You attended Catholic prep school
(Saint Joseph's Preparatory School, in Philadelphia) for awhile. Did you nervously reflect upon that when taking one of those guest star roles in Sleeper Cell, where you had an explicit g@y s*x scene?

Answer by Michael Rady: I have to say, I’m Jesuit-educated, and they aren’t typical Catholics. They’re sort of the bad boys of the church. They have a whole different sort of outlook on Catholicism and what it means to be a modern Catholic. It wasn’t even an issue for me.

Link (here) to the full interview by Micheal Rady


  1. I'm jesuit-raised as well... I've grown up in a jesuit parish for all of 33 years of my life and i beg to differ.

    I feel sorry for him that his experience with his local jesuits had not helped in forming his conscience adequately.. sorry but this just gives jesuits a bad name..

  2. Jesuits are a mixed bag, but in my experience the dissenters outnumber the faithful significantly.

  3. I have had some the richest and most fantastic Jesus/Church experiences with Jesuits, I also have had some of the most depressing and poor Church experiences with Jesuits.

    Those that are in the soft revolt make the news and perceptions are sometimes bent in their direction. However, there a boat load of dedicated Jesuits who never write dissenting articles, nor promote unconventional Church practices, who live the call of Ignatius and the Lord every day.



  4. My father attended Georgetown University and Georgetown Law School and revered the Jesuits. My brothers attended Georgetown Prep. I always joke and say that a Jesuit taught me how to drink. They said Mass in our living room at the beach. They married us and buried us; however, it was not until I was in my late 40's, after I experienced a great tragedy in my life, that I learned what the Jebbie gig is all about.

    After a fire I lost everything. I will spare you the details. But I ended up in a hospital. Not one visit from one priest. Not one call. For you see, I was not a philanthropist with money to fuel their latest cause. I was a single woman, a victim of doemstic violence. Homeless. From Spring Valley to State Hospital.I learned this as a a parishoner at St. Ignatius Church in Baltimore. This was the face of Christ in the only Jesuit church in town. What a horror coming home was there.

    With no property or money to profffer, in return for care, I was simply a needless errand.

  5. Jesuits have sunk so low and yet the face of the Jesuits to me is still Father Mitch Pacwa a most orthodox priest who truly loves the Church.

    So yes a mix bag the bad ones are the worst... but the good ones are Saints.

  6. His is the common experience of any graduate of a Jesuit institution since the early 1970s.


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