Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jesuit On Fatima And Moral Miracles

Question: Has the Fatima message had a direct impact on your own life and ministry?
ANSWER BY FR. JOHN HARDON, S.J. : Much of what I have spoken and written, certainly since my graduate studies in Rome, has been deeply motivated by what I understood was the essential message at Fatima.
I learned from Fatima that Our Lady, having first obtained from her Son, to work a physical miracle continues obtaining from Him other physical miracles like at Lourdes,
but she especially wants her Son to work moral miracles of surpassing the natural laws of the human will. I believe it is more difficult to convert a hardened sinner than it is to raise a Lazarus from the dead.
And Mary is capable of working such miracles. My priesthood has taught me devotion to Our Lady and expecting her to work miracles of conversion. She'll do it. I believe that Fatima is especially the sign in our age of the moral miracles that God wants to work in a proud, self-preoccupied, pleasure-intoxicated mankind. Miracles are being worked. I tell people to expect miracles. And the most important kind of miracles you should ask God to work through Our Lady's intercession.
Link (here) to the full question and answer piece.


  1. mr joseph,I have a question,one off topic question.
    Franciscans have a third order for the laity,salesians have lay salesians in their order.
    Jesuits dont have lay jesuits or a third order for the laity,ok?
    Wich movements jesuits endorse today,for the laity?

  2. Jesuits have something called the Jesuit Volunteer Corp. I am not an expert on it but it resembles the Peace Corp, focused primarily on corporal works of mercy. If I had to estimate there would be about 200 hundred or so in the USA.

    However, most Jesuits have a local following which work in unison with that particular Jesuit. I might suggest you find a particular Jesuit and become a part of his flock that he can call upon when help is needed. You will also find yourself in good hands with spiritual matters as well.



  3. This particular passage is excellent. Fr. Hardon conveys an important truth about miracles that are possible. In particular, that immoral “natural laws of the human will” can be overcome through “miracles”.

    Such miracles can and do happen. But there is a cost associated with such miracles – and the cost is very high. A lesson may be given to a soul, and the soul may be altered for some duration, but there is the question of whether or not the change is permanent. So tests must be applied and reapplied. In general, such things are only done when the trade-offs justify it – or when the request comes from someone who has earned God’s respect, someone who is capable of enduring the harsh consequences themselves.

    When there is the question of effectiveness of a lesson, many different lessons are often applied to test the same “value”. Typically, the tests will be applied in such a way that the soul does not recognize that the same underlying value is being tested. And such tests often involve unpleasant scenarios and unpleasant consequences for others.

  4. "Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother of the Church, obtain from your Divine Son the graces that Catholic women need today to carry on your work as Queen of Apostles.

    Ask Jesus to inspire women to rise to their dignity as spiritual mothers to a suffering, bleeding human family.

    Above all, dear Mary, tell women today as you told the servants at Cana to do whatever Jesus tells them to do. You can obtain miracles from Jesus, not only at Lourdes and Fatima, but throughout the world. But on one condition, that we do everything that your Son tells us — especially today tells women — to do according to His will. Amen."

    Today's Church needs miracles of conversion and repentance, and the miracles will take place, provided women do their part, through Mary, and in Jesus and with a woman's selfless love.

    Fr. Hardon SJ

    Thank you, Joseph.

  5. They rationalize their immorality by writing books defending their infidelity. __Hardon SJ

    LOL. Now who would that be?


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