Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hopkins Was Virtually Unknown In His Own Time

The speaker was Boston College Professor Paul Mariani, author of six volumes of poetry and five biographies of other poets. His most recent biography, Viking, 2008, is titled, Gerard Manley Hopkins, A Life, and it has received wide acclaim as the definitive and magisterial telling of the life of this enigmatic Victorian poet, a contemporary of Walt Whitman and Thomas Hardy, virtually unknown in his own time in Victorian England, and now recognized as one of the towering and most influential voices in modern poetry.

Link (here)


  1. Perhaps it may be a learning experience for you if I mention that Gerald Manley Hopkins' diaries reveal that he was a homosexual, who struggled with his inclinations his entire life.

    Even in the good old days to which you wish to return, homosexuals were welcome in, and noted contributors to, the order. Perhaps your goals are a bit quixotic.


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