Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fr. Richard Cleary, S.J. "Rest in Peace"

Former University Chaplain Father Richard Cleary (interesting link) passed away this morning after battling various illnesses and cancer. This blog tends to focus on sports and some of the superficial aspects of Boston College, but at the end of the day it is the Jesuits and their mission that make Boston College a unique place. Even if you are not a devout Catholic, I encourage all students to get to know a Jesuit or two while at BC. I was lucky to get to know Father Richard as a student and even better as an alum. Father Richard did many things over the course of his service, but BC was first in his heart and the highlight of his career. He presided over our wedding and has remained in touch until his health started failing. He will be missed.

Link (here) to the Boston College sports blog entitled Eagle in Atlanta

Photo (here)

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