Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fr. John Kilgallen, S.J. On Faith In The Messiah

Mark has us at the end of Jesus' journey, fateful journey, to Jerusalem.
The last story Mark chooses to tell is a story about the cure of a blind man. In itself, the cure is one more testimony to the immense power of Jesus, power which Peter had earlier claimed could only be that of the Messiah.
It is also a story that emphasizes the value of faith, the quality that unites one to Jesus in such fashion that his response to faith is healing. It is also a story which has a rather unusual ending; the man cured not only saw, but he followed Jesus on the way. This last phrase suggests that, together with faith, the man begins to live with Jesus, to 'follow him' on his dangerous way into Jerusalem.

Link (here) to the original post at The Good Word.

Fr. John J. Kilgallen, S.J., professor of New. Testament exegesis at the Pontifical Biblical Institute.

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