Thursday, October 15, 2009

Consortium Is A Big Word

“I know the importance of academic rigor and academic integrity as the central component of Jesuit education, but in my talks with students, faculty and staff this year and last, I stressed the social justice component,” Steven Freedman, Phd said.

“Leading lives of service to others is a key component of what we do at Fordham University and throughout Jesuit higher education,” he said.

Freedman urged the faculty to bring aspects of research and teaching to bear on the issues of injustice. He asked staff and students to share news about the consortium with friends.

Robert J. Reilly, assistant dean for the Feerick Center for Social Justice at the Fordham School of Law and member of the consortium’s steering committee, said the consortium provides increased communication and better cooperation.
“There’s so much good work going on at Fordham, and this is a way for our faculty, staff, students and administrators to find out about the work that is being done, find each other and even work together,” Reilly said.

A key component of the effort is its website——which will act as a database and search engine for experts, programs, events, volunteer opportunities and other Fordham resources related to social justice and poverty issues.

Link (here) to the Fordham website release.


  1. "Service" and "justice" are the buzzwords in Catholic education nowadays. They are codewords for supporting leftist, liberal, socialist government policies. I wonder whether this "consortium" will have an active pro-life arm.

  2. There is a Pro- Life group on campus already


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