Thursday, October 8, 2009

Boston College Health Care

New research by The Cardinal Newman Society has uncovered evidence that the student health insurance plan provided by Boston College, a Jesuit institution of Catholic higher education, includes coverage for “family planning” services such as birth control pills.

“Now that it has been uncovered that Boston College is providing unethical coverage to students, college officials should take immediate action to provide students with insurance options that conform to Catholic teachings,” said Patrick J. Reilly, President of The Cardinal Newman Society. “BC needs to send a strong message, especially after students voted in a referendum last year to petition the college to make contraceptives available on campus.”
Contraception and birth control services are explicitly covered under the student health plan, Blue Care Elect Preferred (PPO), which is an optional plan for students provided by Boston College. Although elective abortion is not explicitly stated in the policy, Koster Insurance Agency, Inc., Boston College’s insurance agent, could not rule out the possibility that abortions are covered by the policy, according to an article in the Boston College Observer reporting on The Cardinal Newman Society’s research.
Although several states—including most recently the State of Wisconsin—require employers and sometimes even Catholic institutions to provide contraceptive coverage in employee health plans, such laws do not mandate student coverage.

The revelations at Boston College stand in stark contrast to the situation at Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina, which is engaged in religious liberty battle with the U.S. Equal Opportunities Commission because the college refuses to cover contraception in its faculty health care plan.

Link (here) to the original Cardinal Newman Society piece

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