At present it will suffice to observe that " Solemn Vows" bind the Order to the individual, as well as the individual to the Order; that such Vows must always be taken publicly, or they are not valid ; that the Professed of Four Vows, in whose hands is the supreme executive and legislative power, are bound by the special obligation peculiar to themselves (the Fourth Vow), to start at a word from the Pope to preach the Faith to any nation however distant or barbarous.
I.—Vow's taken by " Scholastics".on the conclusion of their Novitiate.
Almighty and Eternal God, I, NN., though altogether unworthy of Thy Divine Presence, yet relying upon Thine infinite mercy, and impelled by the desire of serving Thee, in presence of the most holy Virgin Mary and of all the Court of Heaven, do vow to Thy Divine Majesty perpetual Poverty,
Chastity, and Obedience in the Society of Jesus; and I promise that I will enter the said Society to spend my entire life therein—all things being understood according to the Consti; tutions of the same Society. Wherefore I suppliantly beg of Thine illimitable goodness and clemency, by the Blood of Jesus Christ, that Thou wouldst deign to accept this Holocaust in the odour of sweetness, and as Thou hast given me grace to desire and make this offering, wouldst also give it abundantly so to perform.
II.—Solemn Vows of "Spiritual Coadjutors."
I, NN., promise to Almighty God, in presence of His Virgin Mother and the whole Court of Heaven, and to you, Rev. Father A. B., Superior-General of the Society of Jesus holding the place of God, and to your successors (or, to you,
Rev. Fr. C. D., representing the Rev. Fr. A. B and his
successors), perpetual Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience in the Society of Jesus, and, moreover, special care of the instruction of youth, according to the tenour of the Apostolic Letters and the Constitutions of the said Society.
(Place and Date.)
III.—Solemn Vows of" Temporal Coadjutors" (Lay-brothers').
I, NN., promise to Almighty God, in presence of His Virgin Mother and the whole Court of Heaven, and to you, Rev. Father . . . perpetual Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience in the Society of Jesus, according to the tenour of the Apostolic Letters and the Constitutions of the said Society.
(Place and Date.)
IV.—Solemn Vows of the Professed.
I, NN., make my Profession, and promise to Almighty God in presence of His Virgin Mother and the whole Court of Heaven, and all here present, and to you, Rev. Father . . . perpetual Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience in the Society of Jesus, and, moreover, special care of the instruction of youth, according to the mode of life contained in the Apostolic Letters of the Society of Jesus and its Constitutions. I also promise special obedience to the Sovereign Pontiff regarding Missions, as is set forth in the same Apostolic Letters and Constitutions.
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V.—Simple Vows taken by the same after Profession.
I, NN., Professed of the Society of Jesus, promise to Almighty God, in presence of His Virgin Mother and the whole Court of Heaven, and before the Rev. Father A. B. . . . that I will never in any manner contrive or consent that the ordinances of the Constitutions of the Society concerning Poverty should be altered; unless at any time there should appear to be just cause for further restriction.
I likewise promise that I will never so act or devise, even indirectly, as to be chosen for or promoted to any prelacy or dignity within the Society.
Likewise I promise that I will never strive for any ambition or prelacy or dignity outside the Society, nor consent to my election to such, so far as I am able, unless I be compelled by obedience to one who has power to command me under pain of sin.
Also, should I know that any one is seeking or ambitioning dignities of either kind, I will forthwith inform the Society or its General.
Moreover, I promise that should I ever be thus forced to undertake the charge of any Church, I will, in respect of the care to which I am bound both of my own soul and the right discharge of the duty laid upon me, show such deference towards the General of the Society as never to refuse to hear what advice he may deign to give me, either directly or through another. And I promise that I will act upon such advice should it appear to be better than what has occurred to myself; all things being understood according to the Constitutions and Declarations of the Society of Jesus.
(Place and Date.)
Link (here) to the book entitled, Concerning Jesuits, By Fr. John Gerard, S.J.
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