Monday, September 21, 2009

St. Ignatius Cleveland: Sophmore Tragically Dies In ATV Accident

The homecoming dance turned into a sudden and solemn vigil Saturday night at St. Ignatius High School, when students learned that one of their classmates had died that day in an ATV accident.

Fifteen-year-old Daniel Murphy, a sophomore honors student at St. Ignatius,

was one of four classmates riding an all-terrain vehicle in a wooded area near one of the boys' homes in Solon when it crashed into a tree.
Three other teens were injured, one seriously.

Murphy rowed for the crew team at St. Ignatius, and he and the other three had competed just hours earlier in the 14th Annual Head of the Cuyahoga Rowing Regatta in the Flats. He was expected at the homecoming dance that night.

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