Friday, September 4, 2009

Rebel Nun Taught At Jesuit University

Cincinnati Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk has banned a nun from teaching at archdiocesan parishes and institutions because she supports the ordination of women priests. Church officials said Wednesday that Pilarczyk made the decision after Sister of Charity Louise Akers, who has taught in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati for 40 years, refused to publicly renounce her support for a position the Vatican considers a violation of church teachings.
"The principle here is that someone who is teaching in the name of the church should be in accord with the teachings of the church,"
said archdiocese spokesman Dan Andriacco.

Read the full story (here)

Read more (here) at the counter productive and dissident National Catholic Reporter.

Sr. Akers at Voice of the Faithful meeting at the Bellermine Chapel of Xavier University in Cincinnati (here) in 2005

Louise Akers, S.C. is a visiting professor in the theology department at Xavier. During the Council, she was a college student and a new member of the Sisters of Charity. Since the time of her religious formation, Akers has been active in justice education and advocacy. She holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Episcopal Divinity School. Link (here)

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope that Sister Sandra Schneiders is next on the list.


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