Sunday, September 20, 2009

Oh Canada! Oh Jesuit!

400 years of Canadian Jesuit history will now be more accessible under one roof

TORONTO, Sept. 18 /CNW/ - Please join us to celebrate the official opening of the Jesuit Archive in Canada from September 22 - 23 in Montréal.

The Jesuit Archive in Canada is witness to the activity of all the Jesuits who worked in Canada and its foreign missions since the arrival of the first Jesuits to Canada in 1611.

The Archive includes rare books, works of art, documents and publications relating to Canadian Jesuit and early Canadian history.

Now this Archive of both English and French Canada has been joined under one roof in Montréal, to better serve historians, researchers, and those interested in Canadian Jesuit history from the 17th century until today.

    The schedule of events is as follows:

- Tuesday, September 22, at 7:00 pm - Official Opening with a lecture
by M. Normand Charbonneau, (Director of the Centre d'archives de
Montréal - Bibliothèque et archives nationales du Québec) (An English
version of the lecture will be available.)

- Wednesday, September 23, at 7:00 pm - A Round Table and Debate on the
theme: "How can the Religious Past be in dialogue with Today's

Facilitator : Louis Balthazar (Université Laval), with Céline Widmer (Director, Jesuit Archive in Canada), John R. Porter (Honorary Director, Musée des beaux-arts du Québec) and Michael L. Knox, S.J., (Historian).

Both events will take place at La Maison Bellarmin: 25, rue Jarry Ouest, in Montréal.

For further information: (including bios, photographs, and historical material), please contact: Pierre Bélanger, S.J. - service des communications - les jésuites at: (514) 387-2541, ext. 339, email:; Céline Widmer - Directrice, Archives des jésuites au Canada at: (514) 387-2541, ext. 238, email:; Erica Zlomislic - Communications Officer - Jesuits in English Canada at: (416) 962-4500 ext. 225, email:

Photo is of La Maison Bellarmin

Link (here)


  1. That photo evokes memories of monthly meetings with my spiritual director, the late Fr Jean-Paul Labelle.
    Elise B.

  2. Elise B.

    Tell us about Fr. Jean-Paul Labelle.




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