Monday, September 28, 2009

Fr. Mark Ravizza, S.J. Will Present A Lecture

As part of its yearlong tribute to the martyrs of the University of Central America, Mark Ravizza, S.J., will share "Words of Encouragement from the UCA Martyrs."

Twenty years ago, government soldiers killed six professors, their housekeeper and her 15-year-old daughter.

The Jesuits were considered subversives by the military dictatorship in El Salvador
because of their work on behalf of the poor.

Ravizza's presentation will feature videos of personal reflections from Salvadorans who knew the martyrs.

An associate professor of philosophy at Santa Clara University, Ravizza currently is serving as a visiting scholar at the University of Central America. There he helps direct the Casa de la Solidaridad program for undergraduate students from Jesuit colleges and universities who want to study and work abroad for a semester.

Ravizza is well traveled. He has taught or worked in the Philippines, Mexico and Canada. He also is the author of several books and is a senior fellow of the Bannan Institute for Jesuit Education and Christian Values in Santa Clara.

Ravizza has degrees in philosophy and engineering from Stanford and a Ph.D. in philosophy from Yale.

Ravizza's keynote address begins at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 30, in the Wool Ballrooms of Busch Student Center, 20 N. Grand Blvd. The event is co-sponsored by the Great Issues Committee, the VOICES Project and the Eckelkamp Center for Campus Ministry.

"Words of Encouragement from the UCA Martyrs" is free and open to the public. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. For more information, e-mail

Link (here)

Photo is of Fr. Mark Ravizza, S.J. and Santa Clara student

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