Saturday, September 5, 2009

Chicago: Old School Jesuit

St. Ignatius' College.—This building was erected for the education of the Catholic youth of Chicago, in 1869,
through the efforts of the Society of Jesus. It was chartered by the Legislature of Illinois on June 30, 1870, with power to confer the usual degrees. The college stands on Twelfth Street, just east of the Church of the Holy Family. It is of brick, with stone trimmings, and consists of a main building flanked by two wings.
There are thirty class-rooms, all well lighted and ventilated. It has a hall seating fifteen hundred, with a gallery which will accommodate four hundred. The entire : cost was $200,000.

Originally there were two distinct courses of study, the classical and commercial. The former, a six years' course, embraced the English, Latin and Greek languages, mental and moral philosophy, pure and mixed mathematics, and physical science. The latter, a four years' course, was limited to the branches of an English education. French and German were optional. In 1879, a scientific course was added to the curriculum, which was designed to qualify young men for civil and mechanical engineering, mining, assaying, etc.

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