Wednesday, July 1, 2009

More Than Meets The Eye ? Honduras Democracy And Jesuit Radio

The signals of two Tegucigalpa-based television stations and a provincial radio station were blocked early Sunday morning, according to international press reports and local journalists.
The signal of Canal 8, a national, government-owned television station, was reinstated late Monday night, local reporters said. Radio Progreso, a Jesuit-run radio station in the northern city of El Progreso, was back on the air on Tuesday afternoon, reporters told CPJ.
However, the private television station Canal 36, which CPJ sources said had supported Zelaya, remained off the air as of Tuesday afternoon.

Link (here)

More Honduran news (here)

No Coup!

Th Honduras President was trying set himself up as socialist dictator, He was relieved of his duties by the Supreme Court and Legislature of Honduras.

Before his ouster, President Manuel Zelaya was no democratic saint himself. He was doing battle with the other branches of government over his legally questionable efforts to eliminate presidential term limits. The Supreme Court and Congress declared a referendum on the subject unconstitutional, and the prosecutor's office and electoral tribunal had the ballots confiscated. When the army refused to organize the vote, Zelaya fired the commander of the armed forces.

Link (here)

On Jesuits in Honduras (here) , (here) , (here) and (here)

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