Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Jesuit And The Kingdom Of Ethiopia

On the llth of February, 1626, the court and the nobles of the land were assembled in the open air. Two rich thrones were occupied by the monarch Susenyos and his distinguished guest, and a surrounding multitude gazed upon the imposing ceremony in silence.

" The hour is come,"
exclaimed the Jesuit Alphonso Mendez,

" when the King shall satisfy the debt of his ancestors, and submit himself and his people to the only true head of the church."
A copy of the Gospel was produced, and the monarch, falling upon his knees, took the oath of homage.
" We King of the kings of Ethiopia, believe and confess that the Pope of Rome is the true successor of the Apostle St. Peter, and that he holds the same power, dignity, and dominion, over the whole Christian church. Therefore we promise, offer, and swear sincere obedience to the holy father Urban, by God's grace Pope and our Lord, and throw humbly at his feet our person and our kingdom."

As the Emperor rose from his position, Ras Cella Christos, suddenly drawing his sword, shouted aloud,
" What is now done is done for ever; and whoso in future disclaims the act, shall taste the sharp edge of this trusty weapon. I do homage only to true Catholic kings."
The monks, clergy, and noblemen followed the example of their superiors ; and the assembly was closed by a public edict, proclaimed through the royal herald, that all Abyssinians should, under pain of death, forthwith embrace the Roman religion. Palaces and revenues were set apart for the ministers of the new faith; seminaries for youth were established throughout the country, and baptism and ordination went on in peace. The success of the Jesuits increased rapidly, and many thousand souls were enrolled, who had been converted from the delusions of the Alexandrian creed.

Link (here) to the excerpt of the book entitled, The Highlands of Aethiopiana.

Photo is of the castle of Emperor Susenyos of Ethiopia called, Fasilidas Castle Gondar Ethiopia.

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