Friday, July 17, 2009

India, Death, Starvation, Baptism, Salvation, Jesuits And Thomas Malthus

Recent years have made us familiar with the tales of Indian famines; but there is nothing novel in these in the history of that long over-peopled country. One of the Jesuits cited by Thomas Malthus says that it is impossible for him to describe the misery to which he was witness during the two years' famine in 1737 and 1738, and another Jesuit writes, -" Every year we baptize a thousand children, whom their parents can no longer feed, or who, being likely to die, are sold to us by their mothers in order to get rid of them."

Link (here)

Photo of Indian famine victims (here)

Blogger Note: Thomas Malthus was a eugenicist and his ideas are a precursor to Hitler's "Final Solution", Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood and the Chinese " One Child Policy"


  1. I see Jesus,in all of them.The little baby in the middle,on the boy's knee is somehow like Christ with Our Lady,but obviously starved. There has been such suffering on earth.How badly we need our Saviour.

  2. i'm gonna make my own blog

  3. я считаю: неподражаемо. а82ч

  4. Thomas Malthus was a eugenicist and his ideas are a precursor to Hitler's "Final Solution"

    Malthus was for generalized population control, not for the relatively humdrum ethnic majority culling a very gifted minority.

    Please stop such prevarications!


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