Tuesday, July 21, 2009

German Jesuit on "Caritas In Veritate"

A section of the gathering was devoted to review Benedict XVI’s latest encyclical, “Caritas in Veritate.”
The general secretary of the German conference, Jesuit Father Hans Langendörfer, gave a presentation on the document. He emphasized three main themes: the centrality of man, the economy’s social dimension, and globalization and the interdependence of peoples. The priest pointed out that through the economic crisis, people have understood that “the market cannot count on itself, but must draw moral energies from other subjects.”
Thus, he said, human development cannot be separated from respect for life, religious freedom and protecting workers’ rights. Father Langendörfer explained that the encyclical calls for global awareness in economic reconstruction, and thus, “the European economy cannot ignore Africa or Asia.” In a discussion after the presentation, the secretaries expressed appreciation for the document, and the Holy Father’s clarity in assessing the current issues.

Link (here) to the full story.

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