Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fr. Daniel Berrigan, S.J. Jesuit Arsonist

In burning the draft files, the Catonsville Nine used napalm, the gelatinous flammable substance that was then burning the flesh of Vietnamese women, men and children during the Vietnam War. “It was Philip who came up with the idea,” Berrigan said. “In the military section of the Georgetown University library, a friend found a copy of the Green Beret manual with instructions for making napalm from soap chips and kerosene.” Before the stunned eyes of Selective Service employees, several of the group lifted the files from their drawer marked A1 and carried them out to the parking lot, because, said Berriga.

Link (here) to the flattering piece on the arsonist Jesuit in America
Previous piece on Fr. Berrigan (here)
Photo from 1968 of Fr. Daniel Berrigan, S.J. in handcuffs flashing a peace sign (here)

1 comment:

  1. In the communities in which he lived the Minister had to keep fortunes in the safe to pay bail on the many occasions when he was arrested. Only a member of a religious Order could get away with this style of life.


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