Monday, July 20, 2009

Faculty JUG

A French teacher at Jesuit High School in Sacramento has been fired after 21 years on staff. Maria Pozsar said she was dismissed just days after returning from a trip to Europe with Jesuit students, a trip she has lead many years in the past. Pozsar, who could not talk about why administrators dismissed her, has retained celebrity Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred for her case. Allred said in a statement to KCRA 3,
"... we believe that the reason she was terminated was because she complained and supported another teacher's complaint of sexual harassment." Pozsar said of her termination, "I did not know what hit me, I felt like, my heart stopped.""I thought, oh my God, my whole world has collapsed and why, it was very hard," Pozsar said.
Jesuit High School President Father Greg Bonfiglio said in a statement, "As you know, conclusions drawn without full factual information are often faulty; there are always two sides to every story. Unfortunately, out of respect for employee privacy rights and laws regarding confidentiality, we are not able to provide any specific information regarding decisions in any personnel matter. Please know that Jesuit High School does not make decisions precipitously and considers all facts and circumstances before coming to any conclusions."

Link (here) to the full article


  1. I have had problems in the past with the Jesuits on life issues; By now, I am convinced that the Jesuits are anti-prolife if not outright pro abortion. Why is their no mention of prolife community service or campus ministry in ANY Jesuit university in CA or JHS/ Sacramento? The Jesuits have been conspicuiously missing from the West Coast Walk for Life year after year. Our son was a freshman at JHS where Maria Pozsar was employed; in May I had a private conversation about Notre Dame . The principal, a Jesuit priest, and I disagreed about the propriety of Obama's commencement speech and honorary law degree. When I quoted from the Bishop's 2004 pastoral letter prohibiting such a visit, the principal became very angry.He said that abortion is "just one issue" He got so angry that he walked off without finishing the conversation. Three days later I had a horrible experience at Jesuit High School that I am still seething over. There is no where a parent, teacher, or student who experiences harrassment like I did can go for justice in the Jesuit system.

  2. Perhaps recoverer would be better served at a Franciscan or Christian Brother high school....


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