Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Witch, Boston College And Hell

From a Boston College alumnus, Alice Slattery, come distressing details about a male theology professor who is allegedly "married" to another man. He teaches a course in spirituality and sexuality! Boston College seems to be a case in need of Rome's special attention.
For 33 years, a woman named Mary Daly taught there, and that would be okay if she was not a radical anti-male activist (she believes the number of males on the planet must be reduced) and advocates research on parthenogenesis -- the growth and development of an embryo or seed without fertilization by a male. She is perhaps best known for her second book, Beyond God the Father (1973). "Ex-nun Mary Daly teaches lesbian witchcraft," noted a major Catholic news site.
"She has written several books, including the anti-male and anti-Catholic Beyond God the Father and Wickedary, a dictionary of sorts for witches.
"In Wickedary, Daly provides definitions as well as chants that she says can be used by women to free themselves from patriarchal oppression,"
notes Wikipedia. She also explores the labels that she says patriarchal society places on women to prolong what she sees as male domination of society. In Wickedary, notes Catholic Culture, Daly defines the Beatific Vision as:
"the 'face to face' vision of god in patriarchal heaven promised as a reward to good Christians; an afterlife of perpetual Boredom: union/ copulation with the 'Divine Essence'; the final consummate union of the Happy Dead Ones with the Supreme Dead One."
Daly believes, apparently, that it's the role of women to unveil the "liberatory" nature of labels such as "Hag," "Witch," and "Lunatic," we learn. She was dismissed for not allowed males into a course she taught. "I went to Boston College from 1976 to 1980," says a viewer named Benjamin S. Joyce of Cape Cod. "I took a theology course in 'liberation theology' by Dr. James Fowler, Harvard Divinity, in the fall of 1976 (I think this was before John Paul II 'condemned' it). My friend was told by [a Jesuit in the department], 'Let me let you in on a secret, Hell doesn't exist.'"

Link (here) to the Spirit Daily article

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