Monday, June 1, 2009

New Provencials Meet In Rome

From 25 May to 6 June the third Colloquium for new Provincials will be held at the General Curia in Rome. This Colloquium will be in Spanish and Italian.

Sixteen will participate and the agenda will be similar to the previous two: present an overview of the issues facing the Society today and offer the opportunity to learn about the commitments and duties of their office regarding cura personalis, cura apostolica, community and apostolic life, from the legal, legislative, financial and organizational viewpoints.

The Colloquium offers Father General the occasion to develop a more personal relationship with some of his closest collaborators and bring them up to date on the governance of the Society as well as the progress of the projects he received from the 35th General Congregation. The new Provincials will have the opportunity to better understand the General Curia, with its many offices and secretariats, and visit the International Roman Houses.

Link (here) to the full article

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