Thursday, June 4, 2009

Controversial Former Jesuit, Still A Controversial Marquette Theology Professor

A Marquette University theology professor is coming under fire for blaming pro-life advocates for the death of late-term abortion practitioner George Tiller.
The comments come even though alleged shooter Scott Roeder has no connection to pro-life groups and has been denounced by them. Daniel Maguire, a former Jesuit priest who has been criticized before for advocating abortion, is the man behind the attacks.
Daniel Maguire published a statement on the web site The Religious Consultation claiming Tiller was murdered "for honoring the law of the land." He then adopted the view held by pro-abortion groups that pro-life advocates bear responsibility for creating some sort of miasma that prompted Roeder to kill Tiller. "He is not the first doctor to so die and unless we get serious about this form of terrorism, he will not be the last," Maguire wrote.
"Religious and political leaders who fan the flames of anti-choice, anti-woman fanaticism are not without guilt."
Maguire's comments ignored the clear and strong denunciations by pro-life groups of the murder, including those from Cardinal Rigali, head of the nation's Catholic bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities.

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