Friday, May 15, 2009

Green Jesuit

Paul J. Fitzgerald S.J., current Reverend William F. LeRoux Endowed Chair, will deliver a lecture covering religion and environmental sustainability on May 19, 7 p.m. in Seattle University's Wyckoff Auditorium.
The lecture entitled "Finding God in all Things: An Ignatian Ethos for Sustainability," is free and open to the public. Father Fitzgerald will explore calls to spiritual renewal in the cause of environmental sustainability as promoted by Popes Benedict and John Paul.
In a greeting sent on World Environment Day to Italy's Chamber of Deputies, June 2007, Pope Benedict XVI invited the participants to "always respect creation and promote an environmental culture that is based on respect for ethical values, the protection of life, an economy of solidarity and sustainable development."
Pope John Paul II in over 30 major teachings on the environment called people to the "ecological vocation" and to "ecological conversion." John Paul consistently linked environmentalism to integral human development in the best tradition of modern Catholic Social Teaching.
"Father Fitzgerald's lecture will bring the wisdom of the Ignatian tradition to bear on the central challenge of our time. The topic is critically important, and we are fortunate to have someone of Father Fitzgerald's stature to share his insights with the community," said Paulette Kidder, Interim Dean, College of Arts and Sciences.

Link (here)

1 comment:

  1. Joseph Fromm, In response to your post on environmentalism and sustainability:

    Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment.

    Industrial Society is destroying necessary things [Animals, Trees, Air, Water and Land] for making unnecessary things [consumer goods].

    "Growth Rate" - "Economy Rate" - "GDP"

    These are figures of "Ecocide".
    These are figures of "crimes against Nature".
    These are figures of "destruction of Ecosystems".
    These are figures of "Insanity, Abnormality and Criminality".

    The link between Mind and Social / Environmental-Issues.

    The fast-paced, consumerist lifestyle of Industrial Society is causing exponential rise in psychological problems besides destroying the environment. All issues are interlinked. Our Minds cannot be peaceful when attention-spans are down to nanoseconds, microseconds and milliseconds. Our Minds cannot be peaceful if we destroy Nature [Animals, Trees, Air, Water and Land].

    Chief Seattle of the Indian Tribe had warned the destroyers of ecosystems way back in 1854 :

    Only after the last tree has been cut down,
    Only after the last river has been poisoned,
    Only after the last fish has been caught,
    Only then will you realize that you cannot eat money.

    To read the complete article please follow any of these links.

    Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

    Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

    Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

    Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

    Delhi, India


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