Monday, May 11, 2009

From Mister Bulger To Father Bulger And Back To Mister Bulger

After about 10 years Mr. Bulger was finally ordained in Omaha, Nebraska. “My Masses were never over an hour and my homilies were to the point and great,” said Mr. Bulger.

He then began work at Creighton University. “I lived in the dorm and was a chaplain for one of the fraternities,” said Mr. Bulger. He also taught a theology course, said Mass almost every day, worked at a parish on campus, and did retreats with students. “On retreats everyone became each other’s best friends,” said Mr. Bulger, “Some retreat groups held reunions later.”

Mr. Bulger taught and made close friends with the students of Creighton for three years. “I loved being a priest,” said Mr. Bulger, “but I decided to leave because I wanted to get married.”

The Decision
It wasn’t a spur of the moment decision to leave the Jesuit priesthood. His final decision was made on an eight-day retreat; “I prayed a lot about it,” said Mr. Bulger, “it was hard, but I know I made the right decision.”

No longer having a job at Creighton, Mr. Bulger moved back to Boston, but life wasn’t easy. “The leaving thing was hard. I had no money,” said Mr. Bulger. He managed to get random jobs to pay the bills like working in a law firm.

Link (here) to a much larger story

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