Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fr. Brian Cansfield, S.J

He was commonly known by the name of Christopher Barton, was a zealous and laborious missioner, and a man of great mortification.

He was apprehended at the altar, saying mass, hurried away in his vestments to the next justice of peace; and after divers injuries and affronts which, like his master, he suffered with invincible patience, was cast into a filthy prison,
where the stench, and other incommodities of the place, put an end to his mortal life in some part of this year, 1645. See Floras Jlnglo-Bavaricus, p. 72.

Link (here)

More on the Venerable Fr. Brian Cansfield, S.J. (here) , (here) , (here) and (here)

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